Monday, February 11, 2008


So, CC has not posted since last Wednesday. And it was a lameass survey. Ergo, in order to increase our posting on this blog and make this a real thing, I am going to issue a challenge.


You can complete one of three exercises by WEDNESDAY, February 13, saving you Valentine's Day to do as you so please. It can be of any length.

1. Write something involving a bear, a bee, and a Chevy. It cannot take place in the wilderness or a zoo.

2. Think of three words to describe yourself. Those will be the title of your piece. Afterwards, describe a completely different character that also shares those descriptions.

3. Free write off of the word "heart" (in honor of our upcoming holiday). Whatever comes to mind, just start typing. It can be anything from a personal anecdote to a rap.

The only rules are that you cannot post a link or a picture and you must post it by WEDNESDAY.

I welcome you to challenge me after your completion on WEDNESDAY.


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