Sunday, February 10, 2008

Valentine's Day Approaches

This Valentine's Day, I know I will be watching Lost. I hope it is a Desmond episode this year.

While I do not find Valentine's Day to be a holiday forcing people to buy things, I do believe that there could be a deeper tone to it. I'm sure that St. Valentine was not all about romantic love, but was perhaps about the general idea of loving your neighbor as yourself. For instance, when I was in elementary school, we gave each other candy and little cards with cheesy sayings on them. While the sayings were cheesy, they were always positive. It was fun to think that the kid you barely knew in class really did think you rocked as hard as the California Raisins did.

So, I ask myself and others to think about Valentine's Day in a positive manner this year. Forget the loneliness or the hassle of pleasing your high-maintenance significant other. Instead, take a moment of appreciation and try to see it as a day that we should all just reach out and love our fellow neighbor a bit more.

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