Friday, October 24, 2008

I Really Should Be Doing Work

I love doing those stupid meme things and surveys so when I was checking out the internet today, I ran across a friend from high school's blog. He and his wife had done a photo meme so I decided to do that. Yay.

Essentially, you Google your response to each question and post the image that comes up.

First Name: Cecile
I think she's a reggae singer. She may or may not be pregnant.

Middle Name: Marie
Apparently she has helped her family to go vegetarian. She is featured on

Last Name: Garcia
(Carmen Garcia, according to her site, is a fitness model and actress)

Let's see if I can find someone who isn't scantily clad...
Age: 24 Way to wear clothes, Jack Bauer.

Place I'd like to visit someday: Greece

Favorite vacation spot: Anywhere with fun people and new adventures
I typed that phrase into Google Images. A graphic novel about Hitler came up.

Past celebrity crush: Harrison Ford
Harrison Ford has also lost his clothes.

College Major: International Studies

Place I grew up: Louisiana and North Carolina
He's a trial lawyer who took the bar in both states.

First Job: Wait staff at Carol Woods Retirement Community.
Another exact phrase. Well, he looks like someone who could live there...

Favorite treat: Girl Scout Cookies
Yay! Something literal!

Favorite food: Chinese, seafood, my mom's cooking, so many different things
All of those yummy things equal the below. My question - Is it edible?

Favorite color: Blue and Red

Somewhere you've gone today: Sony Pictures Entertainment
It's Friday!

What's for dinner: Well, I looked up Miles and Maddy. I'm going to eat dinner with them tonight but I don't know where. A picture of two kids came up. I'm not really one to use other strangers' children as pictures on my blog so I looked up SUSHI!!!! because that seemed like fun.

Monday, April 28, 2008


How can you IMDB someone without knowing his or her name?

My roommate pointed out how dirty my windshield is. It is not raining in this picture.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sorry for the Lack of Posts

I know as our one reader you are incredibly disappointed. Perhaps you've written us out of your will. Please don't. We're not exactly wealthy here.

I can speak for myself in saying that I've been busy with work... possibly a new job. We'll see on Monday. No excuse, I know.

As for Dopple, he's been doing his usual things - making creative projects, working, selling children from Kiribati over the internet. I bet you don't know how to pronounce that.

No, that's not it.

For your entertainment, another thing I've been liking these days is

Monday, March 31, 2008

Co-Challenge: 4 of 10

I was always late. I swaggered up to her that morning, sweaty from the rush, and acted as if I'd done nothing wrong.

For some reason, that simple act of tardiness proved to be the last straw. She simply walked away. She never contacted me again and, except for one drunken phone call, I never contacted her.

I ordered scrambled eggs, sausage, and orange juice. I hate orange juice.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Quirky Character Challenge

Make up a synopsis of a very strange character. List strange mannerisms and idiosyncrasies and guess what that character would do in certain situations. Then write a few short stories with that character. Boom.

Co-Challenge: 3 of 10

Maybe it was the keys jabbing into my thighs, or the suffocating feeling of all-too-familiar depression, but that night I had a what could only be euphemistically expressed as a nightmare. I was running. Always running. Sometimes people chased me, sometimes I chased them. I was a wild beast without instincts.

Then I saw her.